Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15

Today was an interesting day. I think my students are starting to become more comfortable with me, which is awesome, but I'm starting to sense some clashing personalities in one of my sections. I can see mean girl tendencies starting to emerge in some of my students and it sucks. When the class doesn't get along, it's so much harder on the students to feel comfortable giving their speeches. I need to squelch it ASAP, I just hate that I have to be the mean guy the second week in.

I also submitted two more applications today. One would think that I would get used to the sensation of clicking submit, but I haven't. There's a mixture of relief, excitement, and dread. I don't remember applying for my master's program being this stressful. I mean..I just don't feel prepared, and I don't think anyone could really warn me, which sucks, but still. I did not anticipate this much anxiety. We should forget water boarding as our main form of torture, if you want someone to break, make them fill out grad school applications. I've never felt more inferior and inadequate than I have while doing these applications. Some areas I'm confident, but I think overall it's just daunting and intimidating and I never want to have to do it again.

This has been very negative. I'm sorry. To pep it up I give you Olive, in her most difficult state. Apparently I was not paying enough attention to her and she wanted me to know it...by sitting directly in front of the television. Ha.

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