the group that ventured to the buckingham fountain last night!
the sears tower on the architecture tour
sorry for the lack of updates, it's hard for me to find time and energy to take time to blog!
i guess a lot has happened since my last post. i now have a job. YAYYYY!!!!! i was really stressing about finding one, but God provides, and He's continually proving that to me. i will be working as a greeter at shoreline boat tours on navy pier, which basically means that i stand at the ticket booth and greet customers and try to convince other people to take a boat ride. my boss, stace, is so awesome and understanding. apparently he loves people from cru, so he hired six of us which is just so unbelievably amazing! he even sent us on one of the tours for free. we got to go on the architecture tour which takes you through the city on the chicago river. it was really cool to see the city that way. i start on wednesday and get to work the taste of chicago, which is this big week long festival with tons of food and free music. the wallflowers are playing one night and so is augustana. and it's all FREE!
i mentioned before how we were broken into three different groups to go onto different campuses. well with the help of one the cru members at uic, ryan, we got a game of ultimate frisbee scheduled for thursday. ryan's an orientation leader so he told a whole bunch of the freshmen there for their orientation weekend. reaching the freshmen is one of our main goals. so we go and there's about 5 freshmen there to play ultimate. a small number yes, but i was glad that there were going to other people and not just ryan and us. so everyone's playing ultimate and i leave with one of the freshmen girls to go find other people to play. i come back with more freshmen only to see one of the guys from project (quinn) diving for the frisbee and then just hit the groud...hard. he hit the storm drain and dislocated his shoulder. so we're all scrambling around trying to get him to the hospital, calling project directors...just craziness. long story short quinn's okay, but he has to be in the brace contraption thing for 6 weeks and then do physical therapy for 6 months. poor guy. he has a pretty great attitude though considering everything.
needless to say, i don't know if we'll be using ultimate as a strategy to reach freshmen again. we'll see.
thursday was my campus day. i went to ai with katie my dicipler and we got to share with a girl, mary. it was honestly one of the most amazing conversations i've ever had. i was definitely nervous going into it because mary was sitting in a large group and i was just scared to go up and initiate conversation. but mary was enthusiastic about talking to us, so we started by doing soularium with her. it's so cool how much you can learn about one person through something like that. i felt like she really opened up to me and katie. she's been through so much in her life already. after soularium i got to share the gospel with her and she was so receptive. she said that she wanted to have a relationship with God, but didn't know if she was ready, she just needed time to think and process everything. so we exchanged information with her and i think that we're going to follow up with her sometime next week, or at least try to.
conversations like that remind me why i'm here on project. i'm here to spread the gospel with people. i want others to know about the great and amazing things that God does and i want Him to be a part of their lives too. talking with mary was definitely encouraging. and i honestly enjoyed conversing with her. she was quirky and had a great sense of humor. people like her make it easy for me to want to share the gospel.
last night a big group of us went into the city to see the buckingham fountain. it was a lot of fun. i think the random late night adventures with everyone are one of my favorite things.
i'm excited for tomorrow. at 9 there's free pilates/yoga in millennium park that a bunch of the girls are going to. then i'm just going to take the day for myself to catch up on my time with the Lord. i'm in definite need of some "me" time. the past few days have been packed with other people's company, which is good, i'm not complaining, but i do need some alone time.
i really do love it here in chicago and the people on project with me. i don't think i'll ever get over my own amazement of being here.
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