Tuesday, October 19, 2010

bucket list

i've never made a bucket list, so i decided to start one.

  1. go to Uganda and volunteer/provide aid in some way.
  2. hike and camp out in the grand canyon.
  3. see and photograph the northern lights.
  4. read all of shakespeare's plays.
  5. have my writing published professionally.
  6. go to south korea for an extended period of time (longer than a week).
  7. learn how to cook, like really, really cook. none of this pasta sauce from a jar business. i want to know how to chop, slice, dice and mix ingredients together to fully appease the palate.
  8. go skydiving.
  9. go to a real piano bar in either nyc or chicago.
  10. live in chicago!
  11. read the whole Bible from beginning to end.
  12. scuba dive in the caribbean or the great barrier reef.
  13. run the disney princess half marathon.
i'm sure there will be more. this is just what i could think of off the top of my head. i better start living life!


  1. Yes! I love seeing people's dreams :) This is great!

  2. i will be able to check of snorkelling in the great barrier reef in 2 weeks!!!
