I’m home for the summer, which means that I get bored pretty easily. Pine Grove isn’t the most happening place on planet Earth. Heck, Schuylkill County isn’t that happening. The closest Starbucks is roughly 40 minutes away. Yep. Anyways, it’s a Saturday night, my friends are working, and I have nothing to do. So, I decide to drive the 40 minutes to Reading to go to Starbucks and Barnes and Noble. I’ve been thinking about buying a devotional for some time now and I figure since it’s the summer and I’ll have more free time, why the heck not?
Jess, one of my friends from project is always blogging from the devotional “Streams in the Desert.” She was also reading through it on project so I decided to give it a try. I like that the day to day devotions aren’t overwhelmingly long, but they’re deep. They make you think and give you a Bible passage to mull over. They’re also dated day to day, month to month. My OCD likes this aspect.
Anyways, today’s is based on an excerpt from Exodus 14:21:
“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.”
The devotional goes on to talk about how quite often; God is working the most through the darkest times in our lives. It says, “God works through the night until the morning light dawns. You may not see it yet, but through the night of your life, as you trust Him, He works.”
This really struck me because I was looking through my journal at past entries and came to one from February. I felt so defeated that month. It was like tidal wave after tidal wave kept hitting me. I honestly felt lost and deserted and quite frankly I was losing faith pretty quickly.
Through all of that though, the Lord was working. Through that darkness He provided light. It wasn’t the exact light that I had been looking for, but still, it came and it saved. It was hard, but because I trusted him, he revealed a path to me that was beyond what I could have imagined. He provided for me in ways that only he could. He broke through the storm clouds and proved to me that he is worth hanging on for. He had never deserted me like I had thought. He was merely working on another route than what I had planned for myself.
Everyone has dark times and storms. It’s a part of life. It’s what you do during those times that matters. It’s hard to not cave to yourself and your despair. One thing that kept me going was reminding myself that through all of this, the Lord was creating a plan that must be amazing beyond my comprehension or imagination. He will provide light. He’ll work all through the night. As cliché as I’m about to sound, the night may be long, but the morning will come.
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