so. iDivert is a joke between me, bruce, becky, & mofo. one night when i was over at bruce & becky's with matti we were talking about my new job and i explained how i didn't want to answer my phone, i just wanted to hit the iDivert button. they laughed at me because they thought i had made up the "i" part, but it really does exsist. iDivert is a button on my phone. the next morning i sent them a picture text message to prove my point.
i guess the whole point of that story is how easy would life be if there was an iDivert button you could push everytime something happened that you wanted to divert to someone else or to another time. you could hit the iDivert button to avoid the morning or waking up... i just read matthew 8 and can you imagine what it would have been like for Jesus if he had a life iDivert button?
"Hey Jesus, can you please heal my servant?"
"Nope" hits iDivert
"Jesus, the storm is going to sink our boat! Can you help us?"
"Sorry, I'm sleeping." iDivert.
Jesus didn't have an iDivert button. why should we? he didn't steer away from the hard things, he confronted them, head on. i mean he is Jesus, so i guess it was easier for him. and i should want to be like Jesus. but i'm selfish, and want an iDivert life button. selfish.
i feel like lately i've been living my life that way though. iDivert from things i don't want to deal with, espeically when it comes to my living situation. living with my roommate is tough, and i'm pretty much tested in some way or another everyday. i have the worst attitude about it too. instead of praying for her or praying to love her, i've been praying things like "Lord, help me figure out how to get a new roommate." iDivert to the easier prayer instead of praying my way through this challenge like i should. last night i was at bruce and becky's telling them about my latest dilemma with my roommate and after letting me rant they both spoke truth into my life, asking me if i was praying for her. nope. i haven't been. i wanted an iDivert button for that question, because i knew that hadn't been praying like i should. but that's what i love about b & b. they will let me rant and vent, but then they're right there to help me to see the truth in the situation. i need that.
Aww shucks! It's easy to speak truth to you about this when I've had so much practice speaking it to myself about my work situation. :)