Tuesday, December 21, 2010

lesson learned

i have learned two major lessons in the past 24 hours. okay, one major, one not so major.

lesson one:
when you own expensive equipment, i.e. digital slr, purchase the proper carrying equipment i.e. camera bag, so said equipment does not break. last night my camera fell out of my purse, out of my car, onto the ground and one of my lenses broke. luckily it was the cheaper of the two lenses, however, it still stunk.

lesson two:
stop freaking out about things that "i've" done wrong and realize that ultimately, i am not in control of this life. God has everything planned for me. so when i think i've "sabotaged my own life," in reality, God is just trying to teach me something and everything will work out and be fine.

it's moments like this in my life that i would like to record so that when another freak out moment approaches, i can re-play this and be like "see scarlett, everything worked out, didn't it? you didn't have to stress, scream, or cry (haha...cry) now did you?" however, i unfortunately know myself and know that while i have this knowledge in this moment, i will somehow find a way that this current moment does not apply to future freak out moments.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

more bucket list

and it continues...

17. go to Disney World for Christmas
18. have a drink in each country in Epcot
19. celebrate another (i was there for the 4th of july) holiday in chicago. i.e. st. patrick's day, new year's eve, halloween, christmas....

Friday, December 17, 2010

project 365?

i'm thinking of re-attempting this. especially since i now have a wonderful slr to play with. i think i'll just post everything on this blog though instead of having a separate blog. i was impressed with how far i made it last year, but i'm hoping that this year i'll be able to see it all the way through! keep an eye out and hold me accountable!

Friday, December 3, 2010

all the small things...

sometimes it's the really small, random, kind things that people do that help me to get through a tough day.

i'm feeling stressed-out and over-whelmed today at work. we're under staffed and way over worked.

anyways, little things like an encouraging text message from a friend make me smile.  or the lady at the drive through being super friendly and telling me to have a good weekend with a smile spread across her face make hard days a little less stressful.

God always knows when i need a little pick me up.