my entries lately have had the theme of grace. that's because my devotional is all about God's grace. it's amazing to me how i read about it daily, yet i struggle to apply God's grace to others in my life. i think i've become a bit cynical towards people in my life and towards my school. part of it i blame on senioritis. and the other part i blame on my own selfishness and inability to love others the way i should. i need to be more loving. and i need to care more. i can't be so apathetic in life. i've been so self-centered lately that i haven't stopped to look around and see how others around me are hurting or need to be loved. i need to get my head out of my own world and tune in to the real world. everyone deserves to be loved. and God's grace extends to everyone.
this weekend was good. i went camping on friday-saturday and went to a halloween party on saturday night. i went as ms. pacman. :) i love halloween and fall. i'm also so excited to see my family. they're coming down this weekend. i haven't seen them since august.
God's grace knows no boundaries. it can flow through prison bars and over church pews. it covers those in cancer wards and school yards. it softens the hearts of the runaways and the throwaways and calls to those who refuse to join in the celebration too. it is love. God's grace is love-felt. it is the outstretched arms of God that catch us when we fall. if we tried to write about it for the rest of our lives, the world would run out of ink.
~Sheila Walsh